Product Description
Portable Saw Featherboard now brings the Safety and Performance benefits of the world’s safest Featherboard “FeatherPRO” to DIY and Contractor saws with smaller table surfaces. A single 6″ travel slot and single knob actuation for fast set up. The Portable Saw Featherboard features EVA feathers which have revolutionized Featherboard performance and safety. EVA feathers virtually arrest kickback; something you don’t get from plastic feathers. EVA has slight pliability which combined with our patented living hinge design press the board against the table and absorb kickback forces immediately as the board moves backwards. EVA Feathers provide excellent infeed and outfeed control for the cleanest cut. As feather tension is applied, the feathers lay down for greater surface contact holding wood secure against the table and minimize wiggle. Even under high feather tension, wood feeds easy and smooth, yet firm. EVA feathers dampen vibration and will not mar even the softest woods.